Capcom Announces Onimusha Way of the Sword Marking the First New Title in the Series in Over 20 Years! Work on an Okami Sequel...
KRAFTON Achieves Record-high Sales of 665.9 billion KRW in 1Q24
The K-Content Media Channel ‘KITTO’ Planning for an Official Launch in Thailand
Xsolla Founder Shurick Agapitov to Address the Future of the Internet at Qatar Economic Forum
Long Tale Games Relaunches Life is Feudal: MMO on Steam With a Significant Event the Balance Restoration Campaign
Games Global Announces Filing of Registration Statement for Proposed Initial Public Offering
Xsolla and Curine Ventures to Officially Launch Xsolla Curine Academy in Kuala Lumpur Elevating the Gaming Ecosystem in the ASEAN Region
Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma 2 Sales Top 2.5 Million Units!
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